Please LOCATE your Dub Odyssey Tickets NOW. 🔍🔎 🔍🔎🔍🔎😀
The most frequent message we get is 'I can't find my ticket'.
Don't wait until the 15th July to find your tickets, please ensure you have printed them out now!
Tickets from 2020 & 2021 are valid for the event on 15-17th July 2022.
How to find them: Search your emails for or
At the bottom of the email. you should see 'download tickets as a pdf file'.
Please click the link, download them & then print them off.
If you still can't find your tickets after you have searched for them, then please email
Give them as much information as possible to help them find you: EG Name, email address, customer i.d, date purchased etc
Tickets from 2020 & 2021 are valid for the event on 15-17th July 2022.
All you need to do is find them & print them out to ensure you get into Dub Odyssey as smoothly as possible.
Dub Odyssey can't reissue tickets, only the ticket company can.
Sorry for the boring post.